
In a tale from The Arabian Nights, a sultan challenges his three sons to seek the most extraordinary item to win his niece's hand. The eldest son, Prince Hussain, finds a magical flying carpet at a bazaar, enabling instant travel to any destination, adding a captivating touch of wonder to the story.
小时候认为飞天魔毯仅仅童话故事,没思到,在广州和迪拜这对姐妹城市的致力下,终了打“飞的”近在目下! 广州和迪拜正在加速低空经济布局,鼓励“空中出租车”生意化运营。
When I was a child reading The Arabian Nights, flying carpets were just a fantasy. Today, the once-distant dream of soaring on a magic carpet seems within reach.Cities like Guangzhou and Dubai, linked by a tie of friendship cities for more than a decade, are advancing low-altitude economy infrastructure and promoting the commercial use of \"flying taxis\".
在蓝天与地面之间,广州 的企业家们 铆足了劲,付诸具体的行为 , 竞逐这条新赛谈 。 本年 10 月,广州的低空经济少壮亿航智能、小鹏汇天都聚在迪拜举办的2024年中东海湾信息时间展(GITEX GLOBAL 2024) ,这是全球最大的科技展之一。
While ground-based vehicles are the focal point of most discussions, entrepreneurs in Guangzhou have their sights set on the skies and are working to turn fairy-tale magic carpets into reality.

亿航智能高档公关司理董博暗示,“空中出租车”代表着明天, 广州和迪拜在拥抱新时间和更动方面是雷同的。
把柄驰名扣问机构Mordor Intelligence预测讲明,到2029年,全球“空中 出租车”商场边界将达到约40.4亿好意思元。
Jack Dong, senior manager of public relations at Ehang, a Guangzhou-based urban air mobility company, says that flying taxis represent the future. Dong adds that Guangzhou and Dubai are similar in how they embrace new technologies and innovations.
独特数千公里的迪拜, 这座“明天之城”,也瞻望将在2026年干预“空中出租车”。 追究运营后,游客在途时候将赫然裁减,瞻望从迪拜国际机场到朱好意思拉棕榈岛的旅程,将由当今的开车45分钟裁减至10分钟。
Dubai has also unveiled plans to introduce flying taxis, with full operations set to begin in 2026, setting the stage for a new era of urban mobility. The journey from Dubai International Airport to Palm Jumeirah is expected to be shortened from the current 45-minute drive to 10 minutes.

早在树立国际友好城市之前,广州和迪拜就由时时的海上贸易而产生关连。 手脚千年商都和海上“丝绸之路”的紧迫始发港,广州架起了我国与寰宇经贸往还的桥梁。 而迪拜所在的阿拉伯半岛,自古即是中国通往欧洲与非洲的“海上丝绸之路”的必经之地。 如今,全球有一百多条海运主航路会历程迪拜,为收支口贸易、转口贸易提供了便利要求。

Twelve years ago, Guangzhou and Dubai, both important trading hubs at the two ends of the Asian continent, established a tie of friendship that essentially formalized a partnership that had thrived for many years before that.

Goods made in Guangzhou embark from the Guangzhou ports to access the Middle East market. They leverage Dubai as a hub to expand their reach into regions such as Africa, Europe, and Central Asia. Also loaded from Guangzhou ports are rows of creatively designed cars.
Commenting on the importance of Dubai in the company's business expansion, Wayne Wei, president of GAC International, said: \"Dubai is the gateway to the Middle East market. It's a crucial component in our strategy to succeed in the region.\"
城市间的友好关系是国度间友谊的缩影。本年是中国和阿联酋建交40周年,中华东谈主民共和国驻迪拜总领事欧渤芊说:“两国的往还远远不啻于这40年。在阿联酋的哈伊马角酋长国,咱们发现了明朝郑和下泰西时期,他的船队在这里停留的印迹。” “从中阿两国的发展旅途来看,中阿两国的发展有许多雷同性,最紧迫的是咱们都是选拔了一条十分相宜我方的发展谈路。 ”
The warm ties between the two cities epitomize the robust relationship that China and the UAE enjoy, the fruit of an agreement made in 1984, when they established diplomatic ties. Ou Boqian, China's consul-general in Dubai, says: \"Both nations have chosen a development path that suits us well.\"

两国积极拥抱经济全球化,联袂在绽开中创造发展遗址,在协作中促进互利共赢。 中国汇集多年都是阿联酋最大的贸易伙伴,两国之间的友好协作又远不啻于贸易。 中国和阿联酋在各边界求实协作走深走实,缔造了新时期中国和阿拉伯国度关系的典范。
China and the United Arab Emirates actively embrace economic globalization, collaborating to forge successes through openness and promoting mutually beneficial, win-win cooperation, setting a model for the relationship between China and Arab countries in the new era.
记者:潘捷 李文芳 邱铨林 崔海培
剪辑:潘捷 郭静雯